ikke_art紹介:Introducing ikke_art



ikke_art is an activity that appeals to society the joy of expression and the diversity of various ideas through ART activities. If we believe in the potential of freedom of expression and carry out activities, affect society like the ripples that occur when pebbles are thrown on the surface of the water, and become a factor that fosters a richer heart for various people. I’m not so happy.

活動紹介:Activity introduction

1.表現の発信:Transmission of expression



Through the website, we will disseminate ideas for expression, report on activities, and disseminate works. We will post it on the blog, gallery, and SNS on this homepage.

2.絵画作品のレンタル活動:Rental activities for paintings



We rent paintings. It is recommended for those who do not have much budget but want to decorate ART works. You can also change the work according to the season and mood. Ikke’s works are registered in Casie, so please take a look if you like.

3.絵画作品の販売:Sale of paintings

絵画作品の販売を行います。販売価格はこのウェブサイト上にあるポートフォリオに記してある通りです。すでに完売していたり、レンタルに出してある作品は(sold out)と記してあるのでご確認ください。決算方法は銀行口座への先払いとなっております。


We sell paintings. The selling price is as stated in the portfolio. Works that are already sold out or rented are marked as (sold out), so please check. The settlement method is prepaid to your bank account.

4.作品制作の依頼請負:Contract for work production



We accept requests for work production. The scenes such as the welcome board at the wedding ceremony and special memories with the family are expressed as paintings. The price is No. 1 = 15.000 yen. * Example: F6 = 90.000 yen (amount is not included)